Thank you soo much for all your emails this week. I have printed them
all out and will read them as soon as I get home. Last week we had bad
luck because while we found a cyber to send emails to the family, no
one knew how to print out emails. Thus I had to print them all out
this week. I will respond next week. Word of advice, if you have a
specific question that you would like me to reply to the day I check
email, send me one email for that specific question and keep the email
short. I will respond when I check my email. But that way I know the
question and can respond rapidly.
This last week has been a trial of my health. I scraped my left knee
very badly while I twisted my ankle on Tuesday. Then, on Friday, I
went to the doctor in northern Guayaquil. He diagnosed me with an
inflammed colon and inflammed esophogus right above the heart. I am
now taking medicines and am restricted in my diet. I spent the whole
weekend in casa resting. I couldn´t walk very much.
We enjoyed a baptism and confirmation this weekend of Ana Teresa
Guaman. It was very exciting because we were actually focusing on
teaching her daughter Katarine who is nine years old. However, on
Monday evening, we visited Teresa and she accepted the invitation to
be baptized. I have attached a picture of her baptism. The man who
baptized her is our mission leader, Hno. Vera. Her two sons are Joshua
and Jordi. Plus, the first picture is one of my companion, Hma. Reyes
and I in Malecon, a huge resort next to the river Guayas. I hope that
the right picture attached. Anyway, the baptism was great. We had a
hard time getting her to church on Sunday to be confirmed because she
was working, but she showed up at the end of testimony meeting. She
was confirmed right before the closing prayer. And she brought her
neighbor that we can teach! The Lord and his tender mercies.
Please pray that we find new investigators to teach. That is the
aspect of our teaching that we lack the most.
To finish, please include in the package hydrocortisone cream. I am
getting mosquito bites up the wazoo on my legs. Plus, the probiotics.
If you see any new skirts, my size is 10. Send them my way. Lastly,
naproxen sodium headache medicine. They do not have that here. That is
all that I need.
I love you all! Sorry the letter is short this week, but I wanted to
send you some pictures. You can see what I have been up to. A baptism
always lifts my spirits and helps me perservere until the end. I have
definitely learned to think positively. That is what keeps me going
strong. Plus, I often ask the Lord to remind me of happy memories.
When I think of good times that I have had, I always feel encouraged
to keep going. I record these in my journal and they remind me of what
is most important.
Thanks again for all your emails. Keep them coming. I always receive
strength from them, although I feel bad I do not have time to respond
to you personally. But I promise to write you letters by hand and send
them to you. Isn´t that better?
Love you, everyone, so much. Please take good care of yourselves.
Share the restored gospel with someone this week. Find people for the
missionaries to teach. The Gospel is true. Read the scriptures.
Hma. Forbush
Mom, Dad, special shout out to you for all your support. I love you
more than words can tell.
P.S. I received a letter from Lubka via Dear Elder on Tuesday as well
as from Sister Bentley who is serving in St. Charles. Thank you thank
you thank you! I still haven´t received any letters from you Mom or
Dad via Dear Elder. It is the strangest thing.
P.P.S. Faith is the power. Obedience is the price. Love is the motive.
The Spirit is the key. Christ is the reason! This is a saying that
Sister Bentley taught me that I wanted to share with everyone. Thank
you, Sister Bentley!